Saga Dawa/Bumgyur Dawa: This month of Tibetan calendar from today, our karma or actions (good/bad) are multiplied by a hundred thousand times, so my dear friends please do remember:
“Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”
Om A Guru Beza Dhara Bata Raka Manzushri Vaginda Sumati Jana Shasana Dhara Samuda Shri Bada Sarva Sidhi Hung Hung.
“Do not commit any evil,
Cultivate a wealth of virtue,
Tame your own mind completely,
This is the teaching of the Buddha.”
Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Ye Soha
With best wishes,
Geshe Lobsang Dorji for Sera Jey Foundation
氐宿月/佛誕吉祥月: 本月於藏曆中, 我們所造的善/惡業將乘以十萬倍, 所以親愛的朋友們請記住:
“我們今生的首要目的是利他。如果你不能幫助他們, 至少不要傷害他們。”
嗡 啊 咕如 巴札 達饒 巴他 剎嘎 曼殊希利 瓦津札 殊瑪帝 迦納 夏薩納 達饒 薩慕札 希利 巴札 薩爾瓦 悉地 吽 吽。
“諸惡莫做 眾善奉行 自淨其意 是諸佛教”
嗡 牟尼 牟尼 嘛哈 牟尼 耶 梭哈
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