Dear friends,
I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy and safe. Regretfully, I must inform you that due to the current pandemic situation we are postponing the much anticipated visit to the USA by H.E Jhado Rinpoche scheduled for May and June of 2020.
As soon as we confirm new dates for Rinpoche to visit USA, we will let all of you know. Until then, please know that you are all in our prayers and we wish you happiness and good health.
All the best,
Geshe Lobsang Dorji
Sera Jey Foundation
原定今年五、六月份邀請尊貴的 賈多仁波切訪美,因新冠肺炎病毒疫情的關係,延後此次弘法行程,我們將擇日另行公告通知。